Thursday, July 7, 2016

Redesigning Critical Reading & Writing: blending, gamifying, universally designing....

Hi kids, I'm back!

I had a pretty intense injury this spring where I broke 3 fingers (dispersed among both hands), and so I'm still hunting and pecking instead of touch typing.  Please excuse typos!

I'm also diving in to applying what I learned, which means re-designing my writing/reading course to a) function as a blended course (giving working students more options to participate & scaffolding online work)
b) attempting to use this format to incorporate universal design principles - I want to try to figure out how to make my course accessible & friendly to my ridiculously wide range of students.  All Brains Welcome!  (more on this later).
c) attempt to gamify to increase options for student choice in the intensity and content of their work, and to reward affective, non-grades-based achievements (badges, here I come!).
d) attempt to incorporate fun technologies into my assignments to give all different kinds of students ways to express themselves.  (see b).

I'll be researching and writing about this process all summer...interested to see where it takes me and what kinds of roadblocks I run into .... watch as I model a growth mindset!

Do you know of anyone who has run a cool, tech-focused, engaging, or universally-designed writing class?  Especially for college students?  Let me know in the comments!

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