Thursday, February 25, 2016

Group work: why the humanities still matter...

I love justifications for my teaching from the business world!

For example, I heard one interview with an expert who had written a book about how business schools needed to update and change.  What's the ONE THING he said he wished business school grads had (but often don't?)...wait for it...

Writing abilities!

Oh yeah, I"m relevant, that's right, uh huh...  :)

But seriously, another article caught my eye about team work, describing interesting findings about what makes teams work.
 I"m still in the middle of it, but what struck me is the way that working within a team is so central to the very concept of business school...and by proxy, (hopefully), also working in the business or innovation world.

So - that makes me feel much better about supporting my students in working on a group project.   Learning how to work together gracefully and well can only help them moving forward.
(Along with, I hope, cognitive flexibility, assessing complex problems, careful planning and project management, metacognition, self-understanding & reflection, learning to synthesize complex ideas, learning to create an argument, etc. etc.   It makes me feel immensely better to think that I"m not solely preparing students for the academy, but also for success for the rest of their lives, wherever it takes them.   Humanities for the win.)

Here's the link to the article about teams.

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